Source code for rics.logs

"""Utility methods for logging tasks."""

import logging as _logging
from contextlib import contextmanager as _contextmanager
from typing import Any as _Any

FORMAT: str = "%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d [%(name)s:%(levelname)s] %(message)s"
"""Default logging format; ``<date-format>.378 [rics:DEBUG] I'm a debug message!``"""

DATE_FORMAT: str = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"
"""Default logging date format; ``2022-02-05T11:17:05<logging-format>``"""

[docs] def basic_config( *, format: str = FORMAT, datefmt: str = DATE_FORMAT, level: int | str = "INFO", force: bool = True, **kwargs: _Any, ) -> None: """Do basic logging configuration with package defaults. Simple wrapper for the standard :py:func:`logging.basicConfig`-method, using my personal preferences for defaults. Args: format: Format string for emitted messages; see :attr:`FORMAT`. datefmt: Format string for date/time; see :attr:`DATE_FORMAT`. If ``bool(datefmt)`` is ``False``, remove the time components if ``format == FORMAT`` (the default). level: Log level for the root logger. force: If ``True``, override existing configuration if it exists. **kwargs: Keyword arguments for :py:func:`logging.basicConfig`. Keyword Args: _level: Additional log levels to set, replacing *double* underscores with dots to produce the logger names. For example, passing ``rics__performance_level=logging.INFO`` will modify the `'rics.performance'`-logger. Examples: Basic usage. >>> import logging >>> basic_config(level=logging.INFO, rics_level=logging.DEBUG) >>> logging.getLogger("rics").debug("I'm a debug message!") >>> logging.debug("I'm a debug message!") >>> logging.critical("I'm a critical message!") # Doctest: +SKIP 2022-02-05T11:17:05.378 [rics:DEBUG] I'm a debug message! 2022-02-05T11:17:05.378 [root:CRITICAL] I'm a critical message! Removing time from the message template. Setting ``datefmt=""`` works as well. >>> import sys >>> basic_config(datefmt=False, stream=sys.stdout) >>>"No time!") [root:INFO] No time! """ if not datefmt and format == FORMAT: format = FORMAT.partition(" ")[-1] extra_levels, kwargs = _extract_extra_levels(**kwargs) _logging.basicConfig(level=level, format=format, datefmt=datefmt, force=force, **kwargs) for name, level in extra_levels.items(): _logging.getLogger(name).setLevel(level)
[docs] @_contextmanager def disable_temporarily( *loggers: str | _logging.Logger | _logging.LoggerAdapter, # type: ignore[type-arg] ) -> _Any: """Temporarily disable logging. Args: *loggers: Loggers to disable. Yields: Nothing. Examples: Disable all logging temporarily. >>> import logging >>> logging.basicConfig() >>> with disable_temporarily(logging.root): ..."This message is ignored.") """ enabled_loggers: list[_logging.Logger] = [] for logger in loggers: while isinstance(logger, _logging.LoggerAdapter): logger = logger.logger # noqa: PLW2901 if isinstance(logger, str): logger = _logging.getLogger(logger) # noqa: PLW2901 if not logger.disabled: enabled_loggers.append(logger) try: for logger in enabled_loggers: logger.disabled = True yield finally: for logger in enabled_loggers: logger.disabled = False
def _extract_extra_levels( **kwargs: _Any, ) -> tuple[dict[str, int | str], dict[str, _Any]]: levels: dict[str, int | str] = {} for key in list(kwargs.keys()): if key and key.endswith("_level"): wildcard_key = key.removesuffix("_level").replace("__", ".") level = kwargs.pop(key) if level is not None: # pragma: no cover levels[wildcard_key] = level return levels, kwargs