Source code for rics.misc

"""Miscellaneous utility methods for Python applications."""

import typing as _t
from importlib import import_module as _import_module
from pathlib import Path as _Path
from pprint import saferepr as _safe_repr
from types import ModuleType as _ModuleType

from ._internal_support import _local_or_remote
from ._internal_support.types import PathLikeType
from .envinterp import UnsetVariableError as _UnsetVariableError
from .envinterp import Variable as _Variable

[docs] def interpolate_environment_variables( s: str, *, allow_nested: bool = True, allow_blank: bool = False, ) -> str: """Interpolate environment variables in a string `s`. This function replaces references to environment variables with the actual value of the variable, or a default if specified. The syntax is similar to Bash string interpolation; use ``${<var>}`` for mandatory variables, and ``${<var>:default}`` for optional variables. Args: s: A string in which to interpolate. allow_blank: If ``True``, allow variables to be set but empty. allow_nested: If ``True`` allow using another environment variable as the default value. This option will not verify whether the actual values are interpolation-strings. Returns: A copy of `s`, after environment variable interpolation. Raises: ValueError: If nested variables are discovered (only when ``allow_nested=False``). UnsetVariableError: If any required environment variables are unset or blank (only when ``allow_blank=False``). See Also: The :mod:`rics.envinterp` module, which this function wraps. """ for var in _Variable.parse_string(s): if not allow_nested and (var.default and _Variable.parse_string(var.default)): raise ValueError(f"Nested variables forbidden since {allow_nested=}.") value = var.get_value(resolve_nested_defaults=allow_nested).strip() if not (allow_blank or value): raise _UnsetVariableError(, f"Empty values forbidden since {allow_blank=}.") s = s.replace(var.full_match, value) return s
GBFNReturnType = _t.TypeVar("GBFNReturnType") """Output type for :func:`get_by_full_name` when using one of `instance_of` and `subclass_of`.""" @_t.overload def get_by_full_name( name: str, default_module: str | _ModuleType = ..., *, instance_of: _t.Literal[None] = None, subclass_of: _t.Literal[None] = None, ) -> _t.Any: pass @_t.overload def get_by_full_name( name: str, default_module: str | _ModuleType = ..., *, instance_of: _t.Type[GBFNReturnType], subclass_of: _t.Literal[None] = None, ) -> GBFNReturnType: pass @_t.overload def get_by_full_name( name: str, default_module: str | _ModuleType = ..., *, instance_of: _t.Literal[None] = None, subclass_of: _t.Type[GBFNReturnType], ) -> _t.Type[GBFNReturnType]: pass
[docs] def get_by_full_name( name: str, default_module: str | _ModuleType | None = None, *, instance_of: _t.Type[GBFNReturnType] | None = None, subclass_of: _t.Type[GBFNReturnType] | None = None, ) -> _t.Any: """Combine :py:func:`~importlib.import_module` and :py:func:`getattr` to retrieve items by name. Args: name: A name or fully qualified name. default_module: A namespace to search if `name` is not fully qualified (contains no ``'.'``-characters). instance_of: If given, perform :py:func:`isinstance` check on `name`. subclass_of: If given, perform :py:func:`issubclass` check on `name`. Returns: An object with the fully qualified name `name`. Raises: ValueError: If `name` does not contain any dots and ``default_module=None``. ValueError: If both `instance_of` and `subclass_of` are given. TypeError: If an ``isinstance`` or ``issubclass`` check fails. Examples: Retrieving a ``numpy`` function by name. >>> get_by_full_name("numpy.isnan") <ufunc 'isnan'> Validating the return type. In the example below, we ensure that ``logging.INFO`` really is an ``int``, and that the :py:class:`logging.Logger` class inherits from ``logging.Filterer``. >>> import logging >>> get_by_full_name("logging.INFO", instance_of=int) 20 >>> get_by_full_name("logging.Logger", subclass_of=logging.Filterer) <class 'logging.Logger'> Falling back to builtins. >>> get_by_full_name("int", default_module="builtins") <class 'int'> """ if not (instance_of is None or subclass_of is None): msg = f"At least one of ({instance_of=}, {subclass_of=}) must be None." raise ValueError(msg) obj = _get_by_full_name(name, default_module=default_module) if instance_of is not None: # noqa: SIM102 # See if not isinstance(obj, instance_of): msg = f"Expected an instance of {instance_of.__name__}, but got {obj=}." raise TypeError(msg) if subclass_of is not None: reason = "" try: if not issubclass(obj, subclass_of): reason = "does not inherit from {subclass_of}" except TypeError as e: if "must be a class" in str(e): reason = "is not a class" else: raise if reason: pretty = tname(subclass_of, prefix_classname=True) reason = reason.format(subclass_of=pretty) msg = f"Expected a subclass of {pretty}, but {obj=} {reason}." raise TypeError(msg) return obj
def _get_by_full_name(name: str, *, default_module: str | _ModuleType | None = None) -> _t.Any: if "." in name: module_name, _, member = name.rpartition(".") module = _import_module(module_name) else: if not default_module: msg = "Name must be fully qualified when no default module is given." raise ValueError(msg) module = _import_module(default_module) if isinstance(default_module, str) else default_module member = name return getattr(module, member)
[docs] def get_public_module(obj: _t.Any, resolve_reexport: bool = False, include_name: bool = False) -> str: """Get the public module of `obj`. Args: obj: An object to resolve a public module for. resolve_reexport: If ``True``, traverse the module hierarchy and look for the earliest where `obj` is reexported. This may be expensive. include_name: If ``True``, include the name of `obj` reexported from a parent module. The first instance found will be used if `obj` is reexported multiple times. Returns: Public module of `obj`. Examples: Public module of ``pandas.DataFrame``. >>> from pandas import DataFrame as obj >>> get_public_module(obj) 'pandas.core.frame' >>> get_public_module(obj, resolve_reexport=True) 'pandas' >>> get_public_module(obj, resolve_reexport=True, include_name=True) 'pandas.DataFrame' Raises: ValueError: If `include_name` is given without `resolve_reexport`. See Also: The analogous :func:`get_by_full_name`-function. """ import inspect if include_name and not resolve_reexport: raise ValueError(f"Cannot combine {include_name=} with {resolve_reexport=}.") parts = [] for part in obj.__module__.split("."): if part[0] == "_": break parts.append(part) if resolve_reexport: obj_id = id(obj) for i in range(1, len(parts) + 1): module = _import_module(".".join(parts[:i])) for name, _ in inspect.getmembers(module, predicate=lambda member: id(member) == obj_id): parts = parts[:i] if include_name: parts.append(name) return ".".join(parts) return ".".join(parts)
[docs] def tname( arg: _t.Type[_t.Any] | _t.Any | None, prefix_classname: bool = False, attrs: str | _t.Iterable[str] | None = "func", ) -> str: """Get name of method or class. Args: arg: Something get a name for. prefix_classname: If ``True``, prepend the class name if `arg` belongs to a class. attrs: Attribute names to search for wrapped functions. The default, `'func'`, is the name used by the built-in :py:func:`functools.partial` wrapper. May cause infinite recursion. Returns: A name for `arg`. Raises: ValueError: If no name could be derived for `arg`. """ if arg is None: return "None" if attrs: from rics.collections.misc import as_list attrs = as_list(attrs) for attr in attrs: wrapped = getattr(arg, attr, arg) if wrapped is arg: break return tname(wrapped, prefix_classname=prefix_classname, attrs=attrs) if hasattr(arg, "__qualname__"): return arg.__qualname__ if prefix_classname else arg.__name__ if hasattr(arg, "__name__"): return arg.__name__ if hasattr(arg, "fget"): # Instance-level properties accessed using the class. return tname(arg.fget, prefix_classname=prefix_classname) if hasattr(arg, "__class__"): return arg.__class__.__qualname__ if prefix_classname else arg.__class__.__name__ else: raise ValueError(f"Could not derive a name for {arg=}.") # pragma: no cover
[docs] def format_kwargs(kwargs: _t.Mapping[str, _t.Any], *, max_value_length: int = 80) -> str: """Format keyword arguments. Args: kwargs: Arguments to format. max_value_length: If given, replace ``repr(value)`` with ``tname(value)`` if repr is longer than `max_value_length` characters. Returns: A string on the form `'key0=repr(value0), key1=repr(value1)'`. Raises: ValueError: For keys in `kwargs` that are not valid Python argument names. Examples: >>> format_kwargs({"an_int": 1, "a_string": "Hello!"}) "an_int=1, a_string='Hello!'" """ invalid = [k for k in kwargs if not k.isidentifier()] if invalid: raise ValueError(f"Got {len(invalid)} invalid identifiers: {invalid}.") def repr_value(value: _t.Any) -> str: value_repr = _safe_repr(value) if len(value_repr) <= max_value_length: return value_repr return tname(value) return ", ".join(f"{k}={repr_value(v)}" for k, v in kwargs.items())
[docs] def get_local_or_remote( file: PathLikeType, *, remote_root: PathLikeType, local_root: PathLikeType = ".", force: bool = False, postprocessor: _t.Callable[[str], _t.Any] | None = None, show_progress: bool = _local_or_remote.TQDM_INSTALLED, ) -> _Path: r"""Retrieve the path of a local file, downloading it if needed. If `file` is not available at the local root path, it will be downloaded using `requests.get`_. A postprocessor may be given in which case the name of the final file will be ``local_root/<name-of-postprocessor>/file``. Removing a raw local file (i.e. ``local_root/file``) will invalidate postprocessed files as well. Args: file: A file to retrieve or download. remote_root: Remote URL where the data may be retrieved using ``requests.get``. local_root: Local directory where the file may be cached. force: If ``True``, always download and apply processing (if applicable). Existing files will be overwritten. postprocessor: A function which takes a single argument `input_path` and returns a pickleable type. show_progress: If ``True``, show a progress bar. Requires the `tqdm`_ package. Returns: An absolute path to the data. Raises: ValueError: If local root path does not exist or is not a directory. ValueError: If the local file does not exist and ``remote=None``. ModuleNotFoundError: If the ``tqdm`` package is not installed but ``show_progress=True``. Examples: Fetch the Title Basics table (a CSV file) of the `IMDb dataset`_. >>> from rics.misc import get_local_or_remote >>> import pandas as pd >>> >>> file = "name.basics.tsv.gz" >>> local_root = "my-data" # default = "." >>> remote_root = "" >>> path = get_local_or_remote( ... file, remote_root, local_root, show_progress=True ... ) # doctest: +SKIP >>> pd.read_csv(path, sep="\t").shape # doctest: +SKIP 100%|██████████| 214M/214M [00:05<00:00, 39.3MiB/s] (11453719, 6) We had download `name.basics.tsv.gz` the first time, but ``get_local_or_remote`` returns immediately the second time it is called. Fetching can be forced using ``force_remote=True``. >>> path = get_local_or_remote( ... file, remote_root, local_root, show_progress=True ... ) # doctest: +SKIP >>> pd.read_csv(path, sep="\t").shape # doctest: +SKIP (11453719, 6) .. _IMDb dataset: .. _requests.get: .. _tqdm: """ return _local_or_remote.get_local_or_remote( file=file, local_root=local_root, remote_root=remote_root, force=force, postprocessor=postprocessor, show_progress=show_progress, )
[docs] def serializable(obj: object) -> bool: """Check if `obj` is serializable using Pickle. Args: obj: Object to test. Returns: ``True`` if `obj` was pickled without issues. """ import io import pickle bio = io.BytesIO() try: pickle.dump(obj, bio) return True # noqa: TRY300 except Exception: return False