Source code for

from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Literal

import pandas as pd
from pandas import Timestamp

from rics.misc import format_kwargs, get_public_module
from rics.performance import format_seconds

from .._backend import DatetimeIndexSplitter
from .._backend._datetime_index_like import DatetimeIndexLike
from .._backend._limits import LimitsTuple
from .._docstrings import docs
from .._support import handle_dask
from ..settings import plot as settings
from ..types import (
from ._split import split
from ._weight import fold_weight

        from matplotlib.pyplot import Axes  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
    except ModuleNotFoundError:
        Axes = Any  # type: ignore[misc, assignment]

Rows = Literal["rows"]
COUNT_ROWS: Literal["rows"] = "rows"

class Available:
    """Metadata concerning the `available` data passed by the user."""

    index: DatetimeIndexLike
    true_limits: LimitsTuple
    expanded_limits: LimitsTuple

class PlotData:
    """Data used for plotting."""

    splits: DatetimeSplits
    """All splits to plot."""
    removed: set[DatetimeSplitBounds]
    """A subset of `splits` that should be plotted that would be filtered by user arguments."""
    row_counts: pd.Series | None = None
    """Row counts for `available`. May be pre-computed by the user."""
    available: Available | None = None

[docs] @docs def plot( schedule: Schedule, *, before: Span = "7d", after: Span = 1, step: int = 1, n_splits: int | None = None, available: DatetimeIterable | None = None, flex: Flex = "auto", # Split plot args bar_labels: str | Rows | list[tuple[str, str]] | bool = True, show_removed: bool = False, row_count_bin: str | pd.Series | None = None, ax: "Axes | None" = None, ) -> "Axes": """Fold visualization. This function plots the folds and in-fold splits that would be made by passing the same arguments to the :func:`.split`-function. Args: schedule: {schedule} before: {before} after: {after} step: {step} n_splits: {n_splits} available: {available} If `bar_labels` is given but is not a ``list``, this data will be used to compute fold sizes. flex: {flex} bar_labels: Labels to draw on the bars. If you pass a string, it will be interpreted as a time unit (see :ref:`pandas:timeseries.offset_aliases` for valid frequency strings). Bars will show the number of units contained. Pass `'rows'` to simply count the numbers of elements in `data` (if given). To write custom bar labels, pass a list ``[(data_label, future_data_label), ...]``, one tuple for each fold. This may be used to write metric values per data set after cross validation. show_removed: If ``True``, splits removed by `n_splits` or `step` are included in the figure. row_count_bin: A {OFFSET}. If given, show normalized row count per `row_count_bin` in the background. Pass ``pandas.Series`` to use pre-computed row counts. ax: Axis to use for plotting. If ``None``, create new axes. {USER_GUIDE} Returns: Matplitlib axes. Raises: ValueError: For invalid plot/split argument combinations. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt splitter = DatetimeIndexSplitter( schedule, before=before, after=after, step=step, n_splits=n_splits, flex=flex, ) plot_data = _get_plot_data(available, splitter, row_count_bin=row_count_bin, show_removed=show_removed) if bar_labels is True: bar_labels = settings.DEFAULT_TIME_UNIT if plot_data.available is None else COUNT_ROWS if ax is None: _, ax = plt.subplots( tight_layout=True, figsize=( plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"][0], 3 + len(plot_data.splits) * 0.5, ), ) _plot_splits(ax, plot_data.splits, removed=plot_data.removed) if bar_labels: _add_bar_labels( ax, plot_data, unit_or_labels=bar_labels, label_type="center", font="monospace", ) # Set title split_kwargs = asdict(splitter) split_kwargs["n_splits"] = n_splits # We may "incorrectly" set this to None to show excluded folds. ax.set_title(_make_title(available, split_kwargs)) if plot_data.available is None: ax.legend(loc=("lower" if splitter.step > 0 else "upper") + " right") return ax _plot_limits(ax, plot_data.available.expanded_limits) if plot_data.row_counts is not None: assert isinstance(row_count_bin, (str, pd.Series)) # noqa: S101 _plot_row_counts(ax, row_count_bin, plot_data.row_counts) ax.legend(loc=("lower" if splitter.step > 0 else "upper") + " right") return ax
def _plot_limits(ax: "Axes", limits: LimitsTuple) -> None: from matplotlib.dates import date2num left, right = limits ax.axvline(left, color="k", ls="--", label="Outer range") ax.axvline(right, color="k", ls="--") left_tick, right_tick = date2num(left), date2num(right) # type: ignore[no-untyped-call] ax.set_xticks([left_tick, *ax.get_xticks(), right_tick]) def _plot_splits(ax: "Axes", splits: DatetimeSplits, *, removed: set[DatetimeSplitBounds]) -> None: from matplotlib.dates import AutoDateFormatter kwargs: dict[str, Any] xtick: list[Timestamp] = [] ytick: list[int | None] = [] for i, (start, mid, stop) in enumerate(splits, start=1): blue_label, red_label = None, None if (start, mid, stop) in removed: kwargs = settings.REMOVED_FOLD_STYLE ytick.append(None) else: kwargs = {"alpha": 1} fold_no = 1 + sum(1 for t in ytick if t is not None) ytick.append(fold_no) if fold_no == 1: blue_label, red_label = settings.DATA_LABEL, settings.FUTURE_DATA_LABEL ax.barh(i, mid - start, left=start, color="b", label=blue_label, **kwargs) ax.barh(i, stop - mid, left=mid, color="r", label=red_label, **kwargs) xtick.append(mid) ax.set_xticks(xtick) locator = ax.xaxis.get_major_locator() ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(AutoDateFormatter(locator, defaultfmt="%Y-%m-%d\n%A")) # type: ignore[no-untyped-call] ax.set_ylabel("Fold") ax.yaxis.get_major_locator().set_params(integer=True) # type: ignore[call-arg] ax.yaxis.set_ticks(range(1, len(splits) + 1), labels=["" if t is None else str(t) for t in ytick]) def _plot_row_counts(ax: "Axes", row_count_bin: str | pd.Series, row_counts: pd.Series) -> None: if isinstance(row_count_bin, pd.Series): from numpy import diff, timedelta64 row_counts = row_count_bin.sort_index() pretty = format_seconds(diff(row_counts.index).min() / timedelta64(1, "s")) else: row_counts = row_counts.sort_index() pretty = format_seconds(pd.Timedelta(row_count_bin).total_seconds()) row_counts = row_counts * (max(ax.get_yticks()) / row_counts.max()) # Normalize to fold number yaxis ax.fill_between( row_counts.index, row_counts, alpha=0.2, color="grey", label=f"#rows [bin: {pretty}]", ) def _add_bar_labels( ax: "Axes", plot_data: PlotData, *, unit_or_labels: list[tuple[str, str]] | str, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: if not (hasattr(ax, "bar_label") and callable(ax.bar_label)): raise TypeError(f"Given axes={ax!r} don't have a bar_label()-method.") if isinstance(unit_or_labels, list): labels = [e for t in unit_or_labels for e in t] else: labels = _make_count_labels( plot_data.splits, available=None if plot_data.available is None else plot_data.available.index, unit=unit_or_labels, ) for bar, label in zip(ax.containers, labels): ax.bar_label(bar, labels=[label], **kwargs) # type: ignore[arg-type] def _make_count_labels( splits: DatetimeSplits, *, available: DatetimeIterable | None, unit: str = COUNT_ROWS, ) -> list[str]: counts = fold_weight(splits, unit=unit, available=available) suffix = settings.ROW_UNIT if unit == COUNT_ROWS else unit if len(suffix) > 1: suffix = " " + suffix def make_label(count: int) -> str: count_str = ( f"{count:,}".replace(",", settings.THOUSANDS_SEPARATOR) if count >= settings.THOUSANDS_SEPARATOR_CUTOFF else str(count) ) return count_str + suffix labels: list[str] = [] for data, future_data in counts: labels.extend((make_label(data), make_label(future_data))) return labels def _get_plot_data( available: DatetimeIterable | None, splitter: DatetimeIndexSplitter, *, row_count_bin: pd.Series | str | None, show_removed: bool, ) -> PlotData: splits, ms = splitter.get_plot_data(available) available = ms.available_metadata.available_as_index if show_removed: kept_splits = set(splits) kwargs = asdict(splitter) # Can't use dataclasses.replace: 3.10+ only kwargs["n_splits"] = None kwargs["step"] = 1 splits = DatetimeIndexSplitter(**kwargs).get_plot_data(available)[0] if splitter.step < 0: splits.reverse() removed = set(splits) - set(kept_splits) else: removed = set() row_counts = _compute_row_counts(available, row_count_bin=row_count_bin) if available is None: return PlotData(splits, removed=removed) else: return PlotData( splits, removed=removed, row_counts=row_counts, available=Available( index=available, true_limits=ms.available_metadata.limits, expanded_limits=ms.available_metadata.expanded_limits, ), ) def _compute_row_counts( available: DatetimeIndexLike | None, *, row_count_bin: pd.Series | str | None, ) -> pd.Series | None: if row_count_bin is None: return None if isinstance(row_count_bin, pd.Series): return row_count_bin if available is None: raise ValueError(f"Cannot use {row_count_bin=} without available data.") index_like = available if hasattr(index_like, "dt"): # pandas series, dask datetime index index_like = index_like.dt elif not hasattr(index_like, "floor"): a_type = get_public_module(type(available), resolve_reexport=True, include_name=True) raise TypeError(f"type(available)={a_type} must have one of `floor` and `dt` to use {row_count_bin=}") return handle_dask(index_like.floor(row_count_bin).value_counts()) def _make_title(available: Any | None, split_kwargs: dict[str, Any]) -> str: from inspect import signature default = {name: params.default for name, params in signature(split).parameters.items()} def is_default(key: str) -> bool: try: return bool(split_kwargs[key] == default[key]) except ValueError: return all(split_kwargs[key] == default[key]) kwargs = {key: value for key, value in split_kwargs.items() if not is_default(key)} if available is None: formatted_available = "" else: pretty = get_public_module(type(available), resolve_reexport=True, include_name=True) formatted_available = f", available={pretty}" return f"time_split.split({format_kwargs(kwargs, max_value_length=40)}{formatted_available})"