
Create temporal k-folds for cross-validation with heterogeneous data.


List-schedule, without available data.

List-schedule, without available data.

Cron schedule, keeping all data before the schedule.

Cron schedule, keeping all data before the schedule.

Removing folds with n_splits. Dynamic before and after-data.

Removing folds with n_splits. Dynamic before and after-data.

Fold sampling using the step-argument.

Fold sampling using the step-argument.

Timedelta-schedule, 5 days before-data.

Timedelta-schedule, 5 days before-data.

Timedelta-based schedule and after arguments.

Timedelta-based schedule and after arguments.

Examples demonstrate usage of split() and plot(). The integration functions do not have examples, but mostly behave the same way as the split()-function.

User guide#

High-level overview of relevant concepts.


A single fold is a 3-tuple of bounds (start, mid, end), see DatetimeSplitBounds. A list thereof are called ‘splits’, and have type DatetimeSplits.

  • The ‘mid’ timestamp is assumed to be the (simulated) training date, and

  • Data is restricted to start <= data.timestamp < mid, and

  • Future data is restricted to mid <= future_data.timestamp < end.

  • Splits are strictly increasing: For all indices i, splits[i].mid < splits[i+1].mid holds.

  • Timestamps within a fold are strictly increasing: start[i] < mid[i] < end[i].

  • If available data is given and flex=False, no part of any fold will lie outside the available range.

By default, the bounds derived from available data is flexible. See Available data flex for details.

  • Data and Future data from different folds may overlap, depending on the split parameters.

  • Date restrictions apply to min(available), max(available). Sparse data may create empty folds.

  • Schedule and Span arguments (before/after) must be strictly positive.


There are two types of Schedule; bounded and unbounded. Any collection will be interpreted as a bounded schedule. Unbounded schedules are either cron expressions, or a pandas offset alias.

  • Bound schedules. These are always viable.

    >>> import pandas
    >>> schedule = ["2022-01-03", "2022-01-07", "2022-01-10", "2022-01-14"]
    >>> another_schedule = pandas.date_range("2022-01-01", "2022-10-10")
  • Unbounded schedules. These must be made bounded by an available data argument.

    >>> cron_schedule = "0 0 * * MON,FRI"  # Monday and friday at midnight
    >>> offset_alias_schedule = "5d"  # Every 5 days

Bounded schedules are sometimes referred to as explicit schedules.

Before and after arguments#

The before and after Span arguments determine how much data is included in the Data (given by before) and Future data (given by after) ranges of each fold.

Argument type


String 'all'

Include all data before/after the scheduled time. Equivalent to max_train_size=None when using TimeSeriesSplit.

int > 0

Include all data within N schedule periods from the scheduled time.

Anything else

Passed as-is to the pandas.Timedelta class. Must be positive. See Offset aliases for valid frequency strings.

Available data flex#

Data Flex allows bounds inferred from and available data argument to stretch outward slightly, toward the likely “real” limits of the data.


See support.expand_limits() for examples and manual experimentation.

Flex options.#




Disable flex; use real limits instead.

True or 'auto'

Auto-flex using settings.auto_flex-settings.

Snap limits to the nearest hour or day, depending on the amount of available data. Use settings.auto_flex.set_level to modify auto-flex behavior.


Manual flex specification.

Pass an offset alias specify how limits should be rounded. To specify by how much limits may be rounded, pass two offset aliases separated by a '<'.

For example, passing flex="d<1h" will snap limits to the nearest date, but will not expand limits by more than one hour in either direction.


log_split_progress(splits, *[, logger, ...])

Log iteration progress over splits using logger.

plot(schedule, *[, before, after, step, ...])

Fold visualization.

split(schedule, *[, before, after, step, ...])

Create time-based cross-validation splits.

log_split_progress(splits: Sequence[DatetimeSplitBounds], *, logger: Logger | LoggerAdapter | str = 'rics.ml.time_split', start_level: int = 20, end_level: int = 20, extra: dict[str, Any] | None = None) Iterable[DatetimeSplitBounds][source]#

Log iteration progress over splits using logger.

  • splits – Splits to iterate over.

  • logger – Logger or logger name to use.

  • start_level – Log level to use for the fold-begin message.

  • end_level – Log level to use for the fold-end message.

  • extra – User-defined extra-arguments to use when logging, merged with progress-related extras. Will be available to all messages as well as the fold key. This argument is mutable; changes made to extra will be reflected in logged records.


An iterable over splits.


Basic usage.

>>> from rics.ml.time_split import split, log_split_progress
>>> splits = split("36h", available=("2023-08-10", "2023-08-19"))
>>> tracked_splits = log_split_progress(
...     splits, logger="progress", start_level=logging.DEBUG
... )
>>> list(tracked_splits)  
[progress:DEBUG] Begin fold 1/2: ('2023-08-11' <= [schedule: '2023-08-16' (Wednesday)] < '2023-08-17 12:00:00').
[progress:INFO] Finished fold 1/2 [schedule: '2023-08-16' (Wednesday)] after 5m 18s.
[progress:DEBUG] Begin fold 2/2: ('2023-08-12 12:00:00' <= [schedule: '2023-08-17 12:00:00' (Thursday)] < '2023-08-19').
[progress:INFO] Finished fold 2/2 [schedule: '2023-08-17 12:00:00' (Thursday)] after 4m 3s.
plot(schedule: DatetimeIndex | Iterable[str | Timestamp | datetime | date | datetime64] | str | Timedelta | timedelta | timedelta64, *, before: int | Literal['all'] | str | Timedelta | timedelta | timedelta64 = '7d', after: int | Literal['all'] | str | Timedelta | timedelta | timedelta64 = 1, step: int = 1, n_splits: int | None = None, available: Iterable[str | Timestamp | datetime | date | datetime64] | None = None, flex: bool | Literal['auto'] | str = 'auto', bar_labels: str | Literal['rows'] | list[tuple[str, str]] | bool = True, show_removed: bool = False, row_count_bin: str | Series | None = None, ax: Axes | None = None) Axes[source]#

Fold visualization.

This function plots the folds and in-fold splits that would be made by passing the same arguments to the split()-function.

  • schedule – A collection of timestamps, a pandas offset alias, or a cron expression.

  • before – Range before schedule timestamps. Either a pandas offset alias, an integer (schedule-based offsets), or ‘all’ (requires available data).

  • after – Range after schedule timestamps. Either a pandas offset alias, an integer (schedule-based offsets), or ‘all’ (requires available data).

  • step – Select a subset of folds, preferring folds later in the schedule.

  • n_splits – Maximum number of folds, preferring folds later in the schedule.

  • available – Binds schedule to a range. If bar_labels is given but is not a list, this data will be used to compute fold sizes.

  • flex – A pandas offset alias used to expand available data to its likely “true” limits. Pass False to disable.

  • bar_labels – Labels to draw on the bars. If you pass a string, it will be interpreted as a time unit (see Offset aliases for valid frequency strings). Bars will show the number of units contained. Pass ‘rows’ to simply count the numbers of elements in data (if given). To write custom bar labels, pass a list [(data_label, future_data_label), ...], one tuple for each fold. This may be used to write metric values per data set after cross validation.

  • show_removed – If True, splits removed by n_splits or step are included in the figure.

  • row_count_bin – A pandas offset alias. If given, show normalized row count per row_count_bin in the background. Pass pandas.Series to use pre-computed row counts.

  • ax – Axis to use for plotting. If None, create new axes.

For more information about the schedule, before/after and flex-arguments, see the User guide.


Matplitlib axes.


ValueError – For invalid plot/split argument combinations.

split(schedule: DatetimeIndex | Iterable[str | Timestamp | datetime | date | datetime64] | str | Timedelta | timedelta | timedelta64, *, before: int | Literal['all'] | str | Timedelta | timedelta | timedelta64 = '7d', after: int | Literal['all'] | str | Timedelta | timedelta | timedelta64 = 1, step: int = 1, n_splits: int | None = None, available: Iterable[str | Timestamp | datetime | date | datetime64] | None = None, flex: bool | Literal['auto'] | str = 'auto') list[DatetimeSplitBounds][source]#

Create time-based cross-validation splits.

To visualize the folds, pass the same arguments to the plot()-function.

  • schedule – A collection of timestamps, a pandas offset alias, or a cron expression.

  • before – Range before schedule timestamps. Either a pandas offset alias, an integer (schedule-based offsets), or ‘all’ (requires available data).

  • after – Range after schedule timestamps. Either a pandas offset alias, an integer (schedule-based offsets), or ‘all’ (requires available data).

  • step – Select a subset of folds, preferring folds later in the schedule.

  • n_splits – Maximum number of folds, preferring folds later in the schedule.

  • available – Binds schedule to a range. Passing a tuple (min, max) is enough.

  • flex – A pandas offset alias used to expand available data to its likely “true” limits. Pass False to disable.

For more information about the schedule, before/after and flex-arguments, see the User guide.


A list of tuples [(start, mid, end), ...].



Convenience functions and classes for common libraries.


Global settings for the splitting logic.


Supporting functions.


Types related to splitting data.