
Global settings for the splitting logic.



Configuration for the 'auto' Flex logic.


Global settings for the log_split_progress()-function.


Miscellaneous settings that don't fit in any other namespace.


Global settings for the time_split.plot()-function.

class auto_flex[source]#

Bases: object

Configuration for the ‘auto’ Flex logic.

This class determines how (lo, hi)-tuples are expanded when flexible bounds are enabled.

SANITY_CHECK: bool = True#

If True, use original limits if flexed limits do not pass sanity checks.

classmethod set_level(level: Literal['hour', 'day'], *, start_at: str | Timedelta | timedelta | timedelta64, round_to: str | Timedelta | timedelta | timedelta64, tolerance: str | Timedelta | timedelta | timedelta64) None[source]#

Set a Level used by the auto-flex logic.

Inputs are not verified until an actual split is made.

  • level – The level to set; ‘hour’ or ‘day’.

  • start_at – Span size at which this level starts.

  • round_to – Frequency to round the range limits to.

  • tolerance – Maximum amount by which to alter limits.


AttributeError – For unknown level names.

class Level(start_at: str | Timedelta | timedelta | timedelta64, round_to: str | Timedelta | timedelta | timedelta64, tolerance: str | Timedelta | timedelta | timedelta64)[source]#

Bases: NamedTuple

Level type used by auto_flex.

start_at: str | Timedelta | timedelta | timedelta64#

Span size at which this level starts.

round_to: str | Timedelta | timedelta | timedelta64#

Frequency to round the range limits to.

tolerance: str | Timedelta | timedelta | timedelta64#

Maximum amount by which to alter limits.

hour: Level = ('6 hours', 'hour', '15 min')#

Conditions under which bounds are rounded to the nearest hour.

Default setting:

Round to hour if the total range is at least 6 hours, but do not move the bounds more than 15 minutes.

day: Level = ('2 days', 'day', '3 hours')#

Conditions under which bounds are rounded to the nearest day.

Default setting:

Round to day if the total range is at least 2 days, but do not move the bounds more than 3 hours.

class plot[source]#

Bases: object

Global settings for the time_split.plot()-function.


Separator to use when printing bar_labels.


Minimum value before bar_labels include a THOUSANDS_SEPARATOR.

ROW_UNIT: str = 'rows'#

Unit to append to the count when displaying number of rows on the bars.

DATA_LABEL: str = 'Data'#

Label of the blue bar.

FUTURE_DATA_LABEL: str = 'Future data'#

Label of the red bar.


Time unit to use by default when bar_labels=True and available=None.

REMOVED_FOLD_STYLE: ClassVar[dict[str, Any]] = {'alpha': 0.35, 'height': 0.6}#

Keyword arguments used to distinguish filtered folds when plotting with show_removed=True.

See matplotlib.pyplot.bar() for details.

class log_split_progress[source]#

Bases: object

Global settings for the log_split_progress()-function.

FOLD_FORMAT: str = "'{start.auto}' <= [schedule: '{mid.auto}' ({mid:%A})] < '{end.auto}'"#

Pretty-printed fold-key for other messages.

  • Only the start, mid, and end keys are available (see DatetimeSplitBounds). You may use <key>.auto to format as a date when time is zero (this is the default).

Sample output.#
'2021-12-30' <= [schedule: '2022-01-04' (Tuesday)] < '2022-01-04 18:00:00'
SECONDS_FORMATTER: str | Callable[[float], str] = 'rics.performance.format_seconds'#

A callable (seconds) -> formatted_seconds.

Both seconds and formatted_seconds will be available to the END_MESSAGE message. If a string is given, the actual callable will be resolved using rics.misc.get_by_full_name().

START_MESSAGE: str = 'Begin fold {n}/{n_splits}: {fold}.'#

Message indicating that the current fold has been yielded to the user.

Has access to all keys from the previous section, as well as:

  • The fold key (see FOLD_FORMAT), and

  • The n key, which is the 1-based position of the fold in splits, and

  • The n_folds key, which is just len(splits).

Sample output.#
 Begin fold 5/7: '2021-12-30' <= [schedule: '2022-01-04' (Tuesday)] < '2022-01-04 18:00:00'.
END_MESSAGE: str = "Finished fold {n}/{n_splits}: [schedule: '{mid.auto}' ({mid:%A})] after {formatted_seconds}."#

Message indicating that the user is done with the current fold.

Has access to all keys from the previous sections, as well as:

  • The seconds key, which is the (fractional) time the user spent in the fold, and

  • The formatted_seconds key, obtained using the SECONDS_FORMATTER.

The value of seconds is obtained using time.perf_counter().

Sample output.#
 Finished fold 5/7: [schedule: '2022-01-04' (Tuesday)] after 5m 21s.
AUTO_DATE_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%d'#

Short-form timestamp format_spec used by <key>.auto.


Long-form timestamp format_spec used by <key>.auto.

class misc[source]#

Bases: object

Miscellaneous settings that don’t fit in any other namespace.

snap_to_end: bool = True#

Controls alignment of timedelta-based splits.


Active only when both schedule and after are TimedeltaTypes.

If True, ensure that the Future data of the final fold ends at the rightmost edge of the available data range. Otherwise, alignment is determined by pandas.date_range().